From Dolly Pugdon, Jade and Ginger's Dad-their story continued:
As I have said, Jade and Ginger came into our lives at a special time. Their arrival reminded us of the values that we all hold dear: that we are to be available to provide a forever home when called upon.
Dolly’s loss devastated us; Ginger & Jade’s arrival brought two bright new lights into our lives.
Ginger’s passing a year later was almost too much to bear, but Jade was still with us and learning to become more trusting with people, and we had added to our family a few months prior an amazing little guy names Butter.
Jade & Ginger were happy at last after many years of abuse, and they had learned to love and be loved. Then, a friend of a friend at work said that she knew of a man whose Pugs had just produced a litter, and that he was going to sell the puppies to the first available privately owned pet store if he couldn’t find homes. Naturally, we were stunned to hear that this was going to happen, and while we knew we couldn’t adopt all five pups, we felt the obligation to try to prevent even just one from going through that ordeal. We firmly believed then, as we do now, that these pups could very possibly end up in rescue after a few months or years, but only after having gone through one of so many scenarios we have all heard about.
So, on a June 13, 2007, we drove to Sandy Valley and picked up Butters at the tender age of 8 weeks young.
Ginger immediately became a watchful and protective guardian, while Jade acted as a big sister and seemed to show him how things were done in their house. Butters accepted them right away, and they accepted him just as fast; he was family from Day One.
So, when on March 6, 2008, Ginger went over the Rainbow Bridge, Jade was not alone... she had Butters. It was obvious they missed Ginger, and Butters seemed to keep looking for her around the house, not understanding where she was.
Once again a family of two Puggies... but only for a while. CONTINUED IN THE NEXT POST!
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