The story from the last post, continued...
As a member of SNPR since March 2005 and as one who promotes the need for anyone who shows interest to seeks out and provide a forever home to any rescue, I discovered that God works in mysterious ways in rewarding those who preach this gospel.
I had not been to the dog park nearby our home since Ginger’s passing for a few months. Hot summer weather, an increase in my work schedule, and the overall malaise that permeated my thoughts about having to go there without our “Big Mama” seemed to preclude the opportunity to go.
In Early November, I was at the dog park on a day which I usually do not go, and had stayed later than I usually would have. In short, I was there on a different day and different time that I had ever been, but I was compelled to take Butters and Jade to the park to run and play. While there, a very nice woman named Jenny asked me about the kids, and then shared with me an incredible story.
Jenny said that about three months earlier a coworker told her about his family pet. It was a little female Pug that he had purchased in early 2007 at a pet store for his family of five kids because they all wanted a dog. Unfortunately, the all too familiar scenario played itself out: a few months after getting the puppy home they kids no longer wanted to provide the required care, he was busy at work, and the mom already had her hands full with her five kids (all under the age of twelve). So, this little Pug puppy was put into her small when not being played with, and starved of the love, attention, and affection any little one deserves. This coworker had finally decided that he was just going to take the now one and a half year old puppy to the shelter and have her put down. Jenny heard this and quickly intervened. She convinced her coworker to let her take this little Puggie, and she did, despite already having three large dogs already in her home.
Jenny did the right thing, and wanted to make absolutely certain that she was able to find the right home for this little girl. Jenny didn’t want to run an ad and didn’t just want to take the Pug to any shelter, as she was fearful someone would just take her to use as a breeder. So, Jenny had this little one at her home until she found the answer.
Jenny was the park on a day of the week and a time of the day she usually does not attend... the same as me. We talked, and I was able to tell her about SNPR and the wonderful work they do, and that had the privilege of having had four rescue Pugs, three of whom direct from SNPR and one on our own. She agreed that SNPR would be a great option, and would discuss this with her husband when he returned from his business trip in about a week or so. I gave Jenny my name and number and told her to call me at any time, and also gave her the contact info for SNPR.
When I got home later that day, I mentioned that I felt I had done my good deed for the day by being in the right place at the right time to provide this vital information.
I did not get Jenny’s name or phone number at that meeting. I believed that if it was meant to be, she would call me, but I truly believed that she would definitely reach out to SNPR after talking it over with her husband. We talked about it in our home on and off again for a couple of weeks, with the persistent question, “If this little girl becomes available, can we foster? Or, do we want to think about opening our home to her?” We decided that fate would deliver the answer, if and or when such an answer was available.
About four weeks later, late on a Tuesday afternoon, I got a call from Jenny. She told me that they agreed that SNPR would be a great choice, and that she and her husband were definitely impressed with the passion I had expressed in speaking of SNPR and of our Puggies. She asked if I could come by that evening, and I said I had to work until 9PM, and could we do it the next day. She said that she was a night owl, and any time was okay, and that any other day would be difficult. So, at 10:15PM on June 24, 2008, I walked into Jenny’s home and met Sofia.
Sofia had the most engaging eye contact I had ever seen, and it was obvious she had an endless supply of love within her just bursting to get out. I took out my cell phone to take a picture, and she immediately sat up and posed. She came right to me, and Jenny remarked that she had never gone to anyone else. It was Jenny’s belief that Sofia knew in her heart that I was there for her. By this time, we had assumed that Jenny had decided to keep her or found another home or had even been in contact with SNPR. We had also decided that if we were blessed to get the call from Jenny, we would open our hearts and our home... provided there was a good match with Jade and Butters. We figured that the worst case scenario, we would foster until SNPR could find her a forever home. To us, it was a no lose situation, and we knew we had to act.
I brought Miss Sofia home about 11:30ish, and as soon as I placed her in front of Jade and Butters, we were amazed how quickly they bonded. Jade showered her with kisses, and Butters immediately had his BFF. It is true: from that moment one Butters and Sofia have been the absolute best of friends. They play with each other all the time, share blankets, and thrive on each other’s company. Jade has become more active due to this increase in energy level in our home, and she is acting as young as any two year old. I have never seen Jade happier than she is right now.
The Good Lord gives and takes away... and by whatever you call it, luck, good timing, or divine intervention, we were able to once again be blessed.
All in all, we have had five rescue Pugs come into our lives in four years:
Miss Dolly Pugdon on May 7, 2005
Miss Ginger “Big Mama” on March 16, 2007
Miss Jade “Jay-jay” on March 16, 2007
Butters “Stinky Butt-butt” on June 13, 2007
Miss Sofia “Fifi” on June 24, 2008
We can never show enough love to Jade, Butters, and Sofia for all the happiness that have brought into our lives... but we try every single day to make sure they know they are the most precious gifts we have ever received, and that our love for them knows no bounds.
We are eternally grateful for all those at SNPR, from KC & Rudy and to all those who dedicate so much of their time, efforts, and personal funds to provide loving forever homes for all the little ones. Thank you KC & Rudy for Miss Dolly, and for Ginger & Jade. Thank you Renee for picking up Ginger & Jade and allowing us into your home to meet these two angels. Thank you to whomever mentioned this litter of puppies that were about to be sold to a puppy mill pet store. Thank you to Jenny and Heinrich for rescuing Sofia and finding it in their hearts to allow her to come home with us.
Most of all, we want to say thank you to Dolly, Ginger, Jade, Butters, and Sofia for allowing us to the honor of being in their lives. We will always be grateful more than any words can say.
Thanks again for sharing your story with us! Your kids are beautiful! Pug hugs and kisses to you all.